Rotary Club of Roop Nagar Punjab - Rotary India

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The Rotary Club of Roopnagar came into existence in 1979 when a famous surgeon and philanthropist Dr R.S Parmar thought of starting a club. The Rotary Club of Roopnagar was chartered with 25 members with Rtn. Dr R S Parmar as the charter president and Rtn Bhagat Singh, the first Secretary of the Club. Rotary Club Roopnagar comes under Rotary District 3080 which comprises of 100+ clubs from the States of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, UP & Uttrakhand and UT Chandigarh.The Club has given two District Governors to the District. Our Charter President Dr R.S. Parmar became the District Governor in 1989-90 and exactly after 20 years, Chetan Aggarwal raised to the highest office of the Rotary District. Many of the club members have been serving at the different positions in the District.It has been the endeavor of Rotary Club of Roopnagar since its inception to serve the community by all means. The Club has been undertaking realistic projects with achievable goals as per the identified needs of the society. The current strength of 77 members, act as team for achieving the motto. The membership constitutes of Doctors, Lawyers, Professors, Chartered Accountants, other Professionals and successful businessmen who have a humanitarian bent of mind. The Shelter for Homeless popularly known as Rotary Roopkunj is extremely successful and purposeful ongoing community service project of Rotary Club Roopnagar. Past Rotary International President Rajendra K Saboo laid the foundation on 18th June 2000 and the project was completed in June 2001.The Rotary Club Roopnagar under this project has constructed 20 small houses, which have been allotted free of cost to poorest of the poor shelter less families. Each unit comprises of one living room, Kitchen, washroom, front and back yard with a provision of adding an additional room. A spacious community centre has also been constructed for the residents. The land for the complex was given free of cost by our Rotarian N.S. Sitta. It is a matching grant project with Rotary International District 6800(USA), Rotary Club Port Pirie,Australia(R.I Distt 9500) and The Rotary Foundation. The Rotarians of Roopnagar regard the residents of these shelters as their extended families.Rotary Club Roopnagar under the banner of Rotary Roopnagar Trust (a Registered body of the Club) has built a modern and spacious rotary vocational training centre on a piece of land measuring 700 sq.yards. The purpose is to impart vocational training to poor young boys and girls in different traits so as to empower them with necessary skills for earning their livelihood.